Families United • Never Alone • Gather Offline

Families United • Never Alone • Gather Offline

In a world full of people, with a million ways to connect, family and people are feeling more disconnected than ever.

Families and people are feeling more separated and divided than ever.

Not knowing what to do and where to go with all the chaos, confusion, and conflict within homes, communities, society, and the world. Questioning where to go and who does care due to the betrayal and indifference along with the lack of loyalty, integrity, and commitment. Families and people want protection and to be safe and secure. Wondering who they are and where they belong. To the point some think it is better to isolate themselves ‘mentally’ to be alone even when with people, to physically isolate and be alone, or that the world just might be better off without them.

So, no matter how you came across this, no matter what you're going through, no matter how alone families and people may feel, please know 'no family or person shall do life alone'.

We are here.

At Families United Never Alone Gather Offline:

We believe ‘family’ is one of the most powerful forces in the world when functioning as God intended. We recognize the need to advocate and support families and people through gatherings and meetups, speaking, learning from a library of ideas and resources to explore and experiment with to apply and put into practice, and providing information online. Our intentions are to ‘build up’ family to be strong and successful for generations to come. We challenge the unfavorable trends by hosting family-oriented gatherings, speaking and conversing on issues some people are unwilling to discuss, and collaborating with like-minded families/organizations/businesses.

At Families United, we strive to be a leading example that inspires bringing family life back to the forefront of people’s lives, not something that’s optional. We want to encourage God being the center of the family and home, meals returning to the dinner table, and for children and parents to not only respect but also like each other. According to historians, American sociologists have been concerned since the 1920s that rampant individualism is tearing families apart, hence the increasingly alarming destruction of families. Turning around the causes and effects from the Year of Chaos in 1968 and changing the trends to having ‘family’ as the most significant influence within the home and society. Turn the home from being a battlefield by facing painful setbacks and families going in the wrong direction with clear intentions and actions to a secure, safe, and protected sacred place for all family and people.

At Families United Never Alone Gather Offline, we recognize that continuing advancements of gatherings, communication, and technology can be successfully utilized as tools to inspire families and people to stand up for —FAITH, HEALTH, FAMILY, and FREEDOM! We invite you to join us to ensure that not only will this generation of families and people thrive, but that the generations to come will carry on a legacy they are proud to represent!